Thursday, October 13, 2005

"Heart of a Poet"

The episode of "Heart of a Poet" that caused all of Toronto to think that Calgarian writers are stuck-up idiots (when, in all innocence, TEAM took over Lexiconjury with camera crew in tow) airs on BOOK TV on December 14th. Even our charming raffling off of a treasure box of pirate booty failed to win over the hearts of poets at Lex that night-- but I imagine they've forgotten all about it by now... Right?

Anyway, "Heart of a Poet" is also on Canadian Learning Television. I don't have satellite TV so I can't watch it. But X-Box (Christian B) is also featured in an episode, and the show is hosted by the always delightful angela rawlings, so if you have lots of channels, look for it.