Free Exchange Fundraiser!
Join us for a FREE PARTY in support of the UofC English grad. students'
Free Exchange Conference!
Live Music by the Ogden Owls
DJs Chris B & Arlen
Saturday February 13th @ 8pm
Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Centre
1320 5th Avenue NW
Walking distance from Sunnyside Train Station
$4.00 Beer & Wine
donations welcome at the door
Join the Facebook event & help us spread the word:
Free Exchange is an annual graduate student conference organized entirely
by graduate students at the University of Calgary Department of English.
Founded more than fifteen years ago, it has grown to attract participants
from across Canada, the United States, and elsewhere in the world. Due to
the current economic climate, it has become the responsibility of students
to raise much of the funds necessary for hosting Free Exchange. If you are
interested in supporting this conference, but are unable to attend our
fundraiser party, please feel free to contact conference organizers Carmen
Derkson and Colin Martin at Visit for more details.
Stephanie Davis
MA Student
Department of English
University of Calgary