Blow-Out pics
Here are pics from the Blow-Out, direct from derek's camera through the conduit of Sandy's computer

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Here are pics from the Blow-Out, direct from derek's camera through the conduit of Sandy's computer
I always find it amazing how everything dies at the end of August as we wait for September and the new school year. Literary-wise, things pick up in September as Calgary gets a new influx of grad students, Markin-Flanagan gets its big gears turning, and Wordfest announces its lineup. Here's my wishlist for fall:
Though we were hopping around like excited little bumblebees telling everyone in sight, I would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone to:
When I was editing FAKE MATH over at Nedalie's house, there were a bunch of poems that I pulled from oblivion back into the manuscript. I didn't feel like posting them to process documents, so I didn't. So here's a blow-out exclusive:
Hello everyone. I am posting most of what I read at Blow-out. Isn't that fun? Other people who read at Blow-out should post their readings. DO IT!
While I certainly have things to say about the final night of Blow-out other than how awesorm it was (and it certainly was), I'm not fully recovered or ready to reveal my secrets. Until then check Walschots' recap of the post-Saturday shenanigans and Samantha Marcelo's pics of the New Gallery and *Calgary's sexiest poet* Jason Christie. I'll be stuffing envelopes with chapbooks and hopefully buckling *FAKE MATH* into a couple of envelopes to T.O.
With drunken buffoon ryan "50" fitzpatrick at the helm you knew it was probably going to be a substandard evening, right? Well, you'd be wrong. The second night of Blow-out was a rousing success despite fitzpatrick's buffoonery.
Night 1 of the 3 day blow out was awesome. Hopefully some blow-by-blow later, but a quick note of some highlights:
I am working on the Blow-Out! chapbook right now. It's called Pylons. If anyone has ANYTHING they would like to submit to be, you have about 2 hours left. You were warned. Now where are my socks?
This Wednesday at 8:55am and 5:55pm, hear beaulieu, Walschots, and fitzpatrick on the CKUA. Awesome!
For my inaugural post to this blog, I have a proposition everyone participating in the Blow-Out readings on the 11th-13th.
calgary radiates poetry, even up to 40,000 feet. I just flew from thunder bay to vancouver, and as soon as I could see the rockies, I started writing. true story.
though not yet a Calgary poet, i am pleased to join this blog, & rest assured that when i roll into Calgary on the 1st of september i will have in tow both poetry, chapbooks, & much love to share with my Calgarian friends. direct from Winnipeg (which has perhaps Canada's most exciting & under-appreciated film & music scenes), some prairie long grass poems & even an attempt or two at a manifesto.
Flipping through the finally finished 33rd issue of fS to find an interview between angela rawlings and Jon Paul Fiorentino, I spot angela's question to Jon: "what's the best poetry scene in canada?" and Jon's answer: "Calgary!" (I may have added that exclamation point, I don't have the issue in front of me). The fuzzy feelings we give Jon can be seen in the upcoming anthology Post-Prairie he put together with Bobby Kroetsch and the fine folks at Talonbooks. Look at the contributor list that Jon's posted on his blog. 9 writers out of 25 from (or recently departed)Calgary. No offence to the cities the other writers are from, but we rule. Awesome!